Arguments, irritation and snapping at each are often due to a lack of understanding, appreciation or connection of one another. After a while, you may tend to focus on and discuss only the negative aspects of your relationship, while the positive qualities that were once alive are overlooked or lying dormant.
Even though the loving aspects of your relationship may have been buried, these Instigator of Love Dialogue Cards® can help re-surface them.
If you are a couple who have busy lives, lack meaningful conversations, have grown apart, want to rekindle what you once had, or even build on your strengths to experience more love and fulfillment in your relationship, these Instigator of Love Dialogue Cards® are for you!
Couples can have a difficult time knowing what to say or ask in order to truly elicit closeness with their partner. Or, some may feel uncomfortable with such dialogues, eventually coming to avoid these important and valuable conversations. This leads to missed opportunities for emotional intimacy, and the couple can grow apart over time.
Instigator of Love Dialogue Cards® help strengthen each partner’s ability to both initiate love-building conversations, as well as express loving words more openly to their partner. Couples are often pleasantly surprised at the information that surfaces from using these cards!
Some benefits of using these cards include:
- Increase emotional intimacy.
- Feel closer
- Improve your sex life (since emotional intimacy and physical intimacy are often intertwined).
- Connect with what brought you together in the first place.
- Know each other more deeply.
- Take your relationship to a refreshing, new level.
- Build a solid foundation to make it easier to discuss tougher issues.
- Practice being more open, authentic and communicative with one another.
- Feel appreciation and love.
- Express appreciation and love.
50 Dialogue Cards are included in the deck – you begin by handing out 1/2 the deck to each of you. Then, simply take turns picking up and reading each of your cards. Sometimes you will be asked to express something specific to your partner, other times your card will guide you to ask your partner a specific question.
Use an evening after the kids are in bed, or on a date night, or when out to dinner, or before bed instead of being on your screens, etc.
Either way – enjoy, and prepare to have the dialogue of a lifetime!
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